Friday, June 25, 2010

Predestination – The TULIP Outline

Total Depravity:


Every aspect of mankind has been touched and corrupted by the effects of sin. There are no truly good, God pleasing impulses in man's sinful nature except as God gives them. The depravity is so great that man is unable to choose to have a relationship with God. In order to be saved, God must first change man's nature (being regenerated) before he can choose to believe in God.


Arminian's also believe that every aspect of mankind has been touched and corrupted by the effects of Sin. Unlike Calvinist's, Arminian's believe that while every aspect of man's nature has been negatively impacted by sin, Man is still able to believe in and to choose a relationship with God. Arminian's believe that this is only possible as the Holy Spirit enables, convicts, and draws the individual. Because of their sinful nature they would never come to God without His drawing and enabling them.


The fall of man has corrupted all of mankind and every aspect of the individual including his will. I believe all are judged guilty by our creator and are undeserving of any favor from God. Even a fallen man can respond to the call of God, by surrendering his sinful will to the mercy of God. In all cases it is God who draws the sinner to the reality of God's mercy and grace, through the scripture, the Holy Spirit, and the witness of prior converts.

Unconditional Election


People are chosen (elected) to be saved apart from (without looking at) anything within the individual. That means that God did not choose them to be saved because He saw that at some point they would come to faith in Jesus Christ. There is nothing within the person that causes or persuades God to choose to bring them to salvation. All those whom God desires to bring to faith and belief in Jesus, will ultimately believe.


God chooses (elects) those either: 1. Whom He foresees (that is looking into the future) will one day believe, or 2. The "Church" (The mass of those who believe) are the Chosen. An individual is part of the "Elect" as he is a part of Christ's body (a believer). The choosing (or electing) is based upon what the individual will ultimately do: come to faith in Jesus.


God has chosen to redeem mankind at many times in history including (but not limited to) the birth, and death of Jesus Christ. God chooses to call or draw the individual according to his own will, pleasure, and purpose, without regard to any perceived virtue on the part of the individual. God has not disclosed in the scripture the council of his will in determining whom to call unto himself.

Limited Atonement


Calvinist's believe that Jesus died on the cross only for those whom God would choose to save. Jesus did not die or provide salvation for those whom God does not draw to salvation (and God only draws some people effectually, not all). Jesus died only for His "Sheep" (that is those whom the Father would regenerate and save).


Arminianism teaches that Jesus loves and died for every person who ever lived. His Atonement and death on the cross are for every human being. Each individual though must have faith in Jesus though in order for the atonement to be applied to them (that is, everyone is not forgiven because of Jesus' atonement, only those who accept Jesus' death in their place).


Jesus died for all men and his atoning death would be sufficient to redeem all mankind. Redemption however consist of more than just atonement, it also requires repentance of the sinner (surrender of his will) in response to the gospel call.

Irresistible Grace


Calvinism teaches that God only draws those He Elects (chooses to believe). For those that He draws, it is "Irresistible." This means that God through His power brings to saving faith all whom He chooses. None that He draws will refuse. (Remember, their nature is changed – regeneration – so that faith is now possible).


Arminianism teaches that God draws in some measure every human being. It also teaches that people are able to resist the Holy Spirits drawing and convicting and eventually choose not to come to God or exercise a saving faith in Him. Man is not able to choose to come to God without the drawing/convicting, and empowering of the Holy Spirit. Once provided this "enablement" which helps to overcome for a brief time the effects of the sin nature, man must ultimately choose to accept or reject a relationship with God.


Creation itself declares the glory of the Lord, so all man can be aware of God's existence, but the natural man is unaware of his fallen state apart from the grace of God and conviction of the Holy Spirit. A sinner made aware of his need for salvation through the Spirit still must surrender his will to the mercy of God. Many of the redeemed resist the grace of God, when first made aware of their sin. It is therefore through the loving patience of the sovereign Lord, that we are finally able to trust in Christ.

Perseverance of the Saints


All those who are saved will never lose (or reject) their salvation. Since their "true" natures have been permanently changed, they will not (cannot) fall into habitual patterns of sin. They will never permanently fall away from their walk with God. They will continue to display the "Fruit of the Holy Spirit" in their lives. If there is no "Fruit" (characteristics of the Holy Spirit) they are not saved nor were they ever saved.


Arminian's believe in "conditional perseverance". Believers persevere only as they continue to exercise or hold to their faith in God. Sin's do not cause an individual Christian to lose their salvation. It is possible for a believer to reject their faith and relationship with Christ. This purposeful rejection and walking away from their salvation given to them by grace and faith is Jesus can result in the loss of their salvation.


In order to grow in grace, to exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit the believer must continually abide in Christ, this requires a daily subjugation of the individual will to the will of God. A man once born of the Spirit will battle the corrupt influence of his human desires, with varying degrees of success, for the remainder of his natural life. It is this struggle that makes believers yearn to be free of this vessel of flesh, and put on the eternal form of Christ likeness. This is the destiny of all who are born again. Those devoid of this heavenly desire were never truly converted.

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